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Managing PR is a lot like dating

Manage expectations and you won't be let down

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Remember how excited you were when you met a special someone or made an old one feel like new? You know, the kind when your heart flutters and you and another person make googly eyes at each other.

Public relations work the same way. In PR, you woo prospects and the press. You say wonderful things in hopes they buy what you’re selling, you send flowers (swag), notes and make them feel appreciated to where there’s little you wouldn’t do to meet again.

With a little effort, a lot of respect and spicy new features every so often, those googly eyes can last forever—but only if everyone manages expectations.

That’s one of the hardest parts of the relationship side of PR. What you expect or imagine might not be what actually comes from the time and effort. If you keep things real, you’ll end up on the winning side of both. For example:

You expect a headline but only get a mention

A reporter comes out to interview you and sends a photojournalist for video and still pics. But when the story runs, your business gets a quick mention among half a dozen others. Hardly the headline you thought it would be.

You plan a party but end up with a meeting

A couple hundred people respond to your invitation and say they’ll attend your creatively crafted and publicized book launch. The weather has other ideas, though, as a spring snowstorm brings your city to a standstill.

How you respond to adversity, no matter how big or small, is part of this gig. (On a date, too.)

Manage expectations to win your PR program — and maybe love, too.

Heed them; don’t be them

You’ve vetted enough service providers (or if you’ve been on enough dates), you know not everyone is who they present themselves to be. Even when you have a pristine professional reputation, know that newcomers will arrive with their B.S. detectors set on HIGH. This is especially true when a keyboard click can make someone seem too good to be true, and reviews can be sketchy. Don’t be disappointed when people double- and triple-check what you present as fact.

People hire publicists and PR agents to help boost their reputations, and their goals are honorable and legitimate. However, if they’re funny, charming and engaging for one event (or date) while acting like a jackass in private — heed them; don’t be them.

Keep it fresh

Relationship experts have made a mint telling us we have to keep things fun, fresh, fair and new to survive the long haul. In public relations, we help create storylines that meet audiences where they are instead of presenting the same thing every time you interview or speak to a group. Your basic message remains, but how you share it sounds new, so you can better connect with people in front of you. Keep your message fresh but honest, spicy not messy and full of valuable information. Sound familiar?

We know—it can be a lot. But manage expectations, and you’ll rarely be let down. That requires rolling with disappointment while cherishing the highs. It’s a delicate balance, but it’ll serve you well in business—and in love.

© 2025 Gail Sideman, gpublicity.com
